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Should I Get Long Term Care Insurance?
Should I Get Long Term Care Insurance? This is one area of our practice that we get a lot of indecisive moments about because most clients aren’t sure if it is worth the premiums to plan ahead for [...]
What is the difference between an HMO and PPO?
What is the difference between an HMO and PPO? The most popular types of health insurance plans are HMOs and PPOs that are offered through employers and available for individual purchase. HMO, or Health Maintenance Organization, and PPO, [...]
Do I Need Insurance To Rent A Car?
Do I Need Insurance To Rent A Car? When renting a car, you need insurance. If you have adequate insurance on your own car, including collision and comprehensive, this may be enough. Before you rent a car: Contact [...]
Can I Get A Ticket For A Cracked Windshield?
Can I Get A Ticket For A Cracked Windshield in Florida? Speeding, running a red light or stop sign, and following too closely are all things that can get you a ticket while driving but what about driving [...]
5 Factors That Could Be Affecting Your Auto Insurance Rate
5 Factors That Could Be Affecting Your Auto Insurance Rate There are many assumptions about car insurance and factors that affect car insurance rates. Misconceptions about insurance rates lead many people to skimp or even skip insurance all [...]
What To Do When An Employee Is Injured On The Job
What To Do When An Employee Is Injured On The Job? When things are running smoothly, and injuries are rare, it can be a bit shocking when one does happen. Is your Florida business prepared to properly handle [...]
5 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make About Insurance
5 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make About Insurance Being a business owner can provide a sense of freedom, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility and its own forms of stressors. Many times, new small business [...]
Business Interruption Insurance
What will Business Interruption Insurance Cover? Business interruption insurance can be as vital to the survival of your business as liability insurance is, especially in the State of Florida. Most people would never consider opening a business without [...]
Protect Your Belongings with Renters Insurance
Protect Your Belongings with Renters Insurance As a homeowner, your house and the possessions inside are protected under your homeowner’s insurance policy – monetarily speaking anyway. If you own a home you must be insured, which gives you [...]